With over 8+ years in the corporate world, Alishba needed a breather and a project that resonated with her: enter Code for Pakistan. 

Embarking on a new role as CfP's Development Specialist, Alishba is keen on working towards civic tech and hopes to achieve the Scandic standard of digitizing archaic governance methods. 

With an impressive academic journey that took her from the vibrant streets of Denmark for her International Baccalaureate to the bustling cities of Berlin and London for her Dual Degree in International Business Management, Alishba has mastered the art of navigating diverse cultures and business landscapes.

Alishba isn’t just about books and boardrooms; she’s also dipped her toes into the realm of research for corporate giants like OMD Berlin & Mercedes Benz. Currently, she’s wielding her marketing magic at Meta as a Consultant. Alishba dreams of making an impact in development and civic tech, blending her business acumen with a passion for social change. 

When she’s not preoccupied with the corporate world, you’ll find Alishba whisking herself away on solo adventures across Europe or indulging in some serious foodie dreams while watching Jamie Oliver & Nigella Lawson work their culinary magic.