Code for Pakistan held the Demo Day for the 7th cycle of the KP Fellowship Program where the fellows gave a demo of the online solutions they have developed for our government partners.
Event was attended by Zahid Nawaz (Project Manager, Durshal), Nazish Khan (Assistant Director M&E, KPITB) , Hanif Jung (Coordinator, Durshal), Ali Raza (Director Technology, CfP), and Samina Rizwan (Country Head, CfP).
Speaking to the Fellows Zahid Nawaz Sb appreciated the Fellows efforts and encouraged them to continue working towards improving their skills and exploring career opportunities post Fellowship
Ms. Samina Rizwan commended the Fellows for their efforts and also gave them tips for improving their public speaking skills.
Our 7th cycle Fellows have been working closely with seven government departments of KP since October of 2021 working on developing digital solutions based on the problem statements shared by the government departments. In the 7th cycle the fellows are working on the following projects;
- a Case Management System for Advocate General Office KP
- a Mercy Petition System for Inspector General Prisons KP
- a License and Product Registration System, and customer feedback app for Halal Food Authority KP
- a Management Information System of all existing sports facilities in KP for the Directorate of Sports KP
- a generic Monitoring and Evaluation System in partnership with KP IT Board
- an internal monitoring and complaint redressal system for Public Safety and Police Complaints Commission
- providing support to the Directorate of Livestock and Dairy Research on the Lab Information Management System
Click here to read more about the fellows and the projects they are working on!