Meet Karachi Chal

AI itinerary planner that understands Karachi’s vibrant pulse

Leading a Civic Tech Revolution in Pakistan

It takes a village and a woman of substance to stir up some magic

Say Hello to my new friend!

The idea is simple: empower ordinary citizens by giving them access to information.

Tackling Karachi's Garbage

Tracing the Trail: The Surprising Pathways of Our Everyday Trash

7 Reasons to Join the KP Government Innovation Fellowship

Bushra Mustafa recalls her time in the fellowship and provides compelling arguments to join

An Empowering Journey through the KP Women’s Civic Digital Internship Program

The story of Osmia and her life changing experience in the internship program

Making Strides in the World of Civic Tech

It’s been a week of big strides for us at CfP with graduation celebrations & MoU signings!

In Memory of Andrew… a fellow Civic Hacker

Ali Raza, our Director of Technology, recounts his inspiration for civic tech

Building Pakistan’s First HCAI Surveillance Application

Code for Pakistan's Bushra Mustafa shares her experience working on the HCAI application project